Tuesday, August 4, 2009

15 Things about ME!

1: I hate Marshmallows and anything with that kind of texture! But I love Brussel Sprouts
2: I always get bored of my hair colour but it always goes back to blonde within 6 months
3: Im quite a homebody. I much prefer being at home or dinner with a few close friends than going out for a big night
4: I have a massive addiction to Pods
5: I said my whole life i would not follow my mum's footsteps as a teacher. But guess what im doing now! you guessed it...Teaching!
6: I love really gross things about the human body (like diseases and cutting brains open)
7: I have a very close family. I cant imagine I would be where I am in my life now without their support
8: I have been married for 8 months and dont think life has changed at all since before mariage
9: Im a virgo and comulsively organised. Im also on the cusp of a libra so this organising compulsion comes and goes!
10: I have one eye that does not focus properly so I see double when things get too close. I wear glasses for reading (well...i should anyway)
11: I have a great memory for lots of random crap. For instance; the dress I wore when i was 2 and what my 3rd Birthday cake looked like, but cant remember what im doing on saturday
12: My Husband and I have named out not yet concieved kids years ago and refer to them by their names already!
13: Reading is a huge passion of mine. I clear at least 2 books a week
14: I hate hot weather and love the snow. (this may have something to do with my very pale skin and northern european grandparents
15: I love Vintage advertising with 1950's pin up girls in them and have a few to hang up in my new house. I also love 1950's style waisted dresses

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