Sunday, August 16, 2009

Trying Something New

I just spent an hour boiling up an evil smelling pot of herbs and leaves and my whole house stinks! I have to drink half a cup of this twice a day for the next week. Why you ask? all in the name of baby making!

This month I am seeing a Chinese medical practitioner for accupuncture and other treatments in our quest to get pregnant. My friend reccomended her to me as my usual naturopath works with me and I dont want anyone from work knowing we are TTC.

I went fro my first appointment on tuesday night. After a very in depth discussion about my body and cycles I had an Accupuncture session (was so relaxing I fell asleep!) and was reccomended the aforementioned herbal concoction as an at home treatment.

The accupuncture was to stimulate and balance my ovaries and kidneys. The herbs are mainly to balance out hormone levels and get my whole body feeling great! The therapist also banned me from chocolate (dont know how thats going to go! I have caved twice already. Dont tell!) and most dairy foods (I have already stopped drinking coffee so thats not too hard)

Im due for my next session a couple of days before I think I will ovulate (two weeks from the last session. Hopefully it will result in a BFP!
Last night we had friends over and they have a gorgeous four month old son who I got to play with and cuddle for hours! Cluck, cluck, cluck! Cant wait to get one of my very own!

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