Saturday, August 8, 2009

TTC Cycle 1: Done and Dusted

This cycle was our first of TTC in earnest. Today I got my period.

The past few weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster. I decided to buy an OV Watch to help me track my cycles. Basically you wear this watch to bed every night and it measures salts in your sweat and can tell when ovulation is approaching based on this. It tells you 4 days before you ovulate for maximum Baby Dancing potential!

I have always had cycles that are about 5-6 weeks long but last year i had a cycle that was 10 weeks long! I was diagnosed with PCOS (Poly cystic Ovary Syndrome). Before I bought the watch i did some research and some people with PCOS cant use the watch as it can effect the readings. I figured i would give it a try anyway. This seems to be true for me as this cycle the watch was wrong about the day i ovulated by about 8 or 9 days!

Anyway, because of this our first cycle was a bit of a waste! we didn't BD for long enough because i was relying on the watch to be correct (and we stopped 3 days after the watch said we Oed, mainly from exhaustion : )

So after many BFN's (Big Fat Negatives) and no sign of AF arriving either we were pregnant and were one of those people that HPT's don't work for (very rare!) or the watch was not right for us.

I never really expected to get UTD on our first cycle so I'm not to disappointed.

Onto Cycle 2: I'm seeing an Acupuncturist who specialises in fertility on Tuesday so hopefully with her help i can get my cycles under control!

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